Final Fantasy XVI launches in summer 2023, ‘Dominance’ trailer

Final Fantasy XVI will launch for PlayStation 5 in summer 2023, Square Enix announced.

Get the latest details below.

■ Messages from the Producer and Director

Message from Producer Naoki Yoshida

Hello everyone!

I know how long you have been waiting for this, so it gives me great pleasure to announce the release of our latest trailer “Dominance.”

In previous interviews and updates, we didn’t delve too deep into details about the game system, but hopefully with this preview, you all were able to get a better picture of what actual gameplay will entail—namely, high-octane battles featuring our protagonist Clive Rosfield wielding a full arsenal of attacks unique to the game’s many Eikons (summons). Not to mention epic clashes between the Eikons themselves that put you right in the action.

The team, under direction of Hiroshi Takai, has entered the final leg of development and is focusing on polish as they continue their march toward master up and launch. I, for one, would like to personally thank them for all the hard work they’ve put into the project.

With the power of the PlayStation 5 behind us, we’re looking to take you on a seamless, story-driven, white-knuckle ride that will rival even the most thrilling roller-coaster. So buckle up, the wait is almost over!

Yoshida Naoki
Final Fantasy XVI Producer

Message from Director Hiroshi Takai

First, allow me to apologize for making everyone wait so long for new information on Final Fantasy XVI… but the good news is it’s finally here!

In our latest trailer, we’ve introduced several new Eikons, as well as provided a more detailed peek at our action-packed battle system and the freedom it gives players. As for development progress, I’m happy to announce that the game is fully playable from start to finish; though, from optimization to brush-up, there is still a mountain of challenges to tackle as we head into our final push.

Until then, please stay tuned. We’ll do our best to not keep you waiting too long before our next update!

Hiroshi Takai
Final Fantasy XVI Director