Another Crab’s Treasure – Review

Another Crab’s Treasure isn’t your average souls-like. It takes the core challenge and rewarding gameplay of the genre and injects a healthy dose of charm, humor, and, of course, crabs. Here’s a deep dive into this delightful and challenging experience:

A Crustacean Tale of Redemption:

You take control of Kril, a hermit crab who’s lost his precious shell (and home) to a greedy loan shark. To reclaim it, Kril must venture out into a vibrant coral reef teeming with dangers. The story is light-hearted and humorous, filled with quirky characters and puns that will have you chuckling as you explore. However, it doesn’t shy away from exploring themes of perseverance and the importance of home.

Souls-Lite Challenge with a Twist:

Another Crab’s Treasure captures the essence of the souls-like genre with its demanding combat and punishing death system. You’ll face a variety of enemies, from territorial shrimp to colossal hermit crabs, each requiring strategic attacks and well-timed dodges. However, the core mechanic – the shell system – adds a unique twist. Scattered throughout the world are different shells, each offering unique defensive and offensive capabilities. Finding the right shell for the situation adds a layer of strategy to combat.

Adorable Yet Brutal:

Don’t let the cute cartoon aesthetic fool you. Another Crab’s Treasure can be brutally challenging. Just like its inspiration, death is a frequent occurrence, forcing you to retrieve your lost shells (and accumulated currency) from your demise point. The game offers difficulty tweaks for those who want a more forgiving experience, making it accessible to a wider audience.

Exploration with Reward:

The colorful coral reef environments are a joy to explore. Hidden nooks and crannies hold valuable treasures, new shells, and hidden lore entries that flesh out the world and its quirky inhabitants. The platforming elements are well-implemented, adding another layer of challenge and rewarding exploration.

A Symphony of Seashells:

The soundtrack is a delightful mix of catchy tunes and atmospheric underwater soundscapes. The sound effects, from the satisfying clink of crab claws to the squelch of enemies being defeated, add to the immersive experience.

A Charming Gem with a Few Pinches:

Another Crab’s Treasure isn’t without its flaws. Some players might find the camera angles a bit restrictive in certain areas, and occasional technical hiccups can disrupt the flow of gameplay. However, these issues don’t overshadow the overall enjoyment.

Perfect for Crustacean Connoisseurs and Souls-Like Dabblers:

Another Crab’s Treasure is a breath of fresh air in the souls-like genre. It offers a charming world, challenging combat, and a healthy dose of humor. Whether you’re a seasoned souls veteran or a curious newcomer, Another Crab’s Treasure offers a delightful and rewarding experience that will have you hooked (or should we say, shelled?)

Here’s a quick breakdown to help you decide:

  • Pros: Adorable and humorous, unique shell system adds depth to combat, accessible difficulty options, beautiful and vibrant environments, great soundtrack.
  • Cons: Some camera issues, occasional technical hiccups.

If you’re looking for a charming and challenging souls-like with a unique twist, Another Crab’s Treasure is a must-play. Just be prepared to face some tough opponents and get a little crabby (in a good way!) along the way.