Buluk Mayan Warfare – Review

Buluk Mayan Warfare is a hack-and-slash action game developed by indie developer Casual Scrub Studio and published by Top Hat Studios. The game was released on Steam Early Access on March 8, 2023, and it is currently in development.

In Buluk Mayan Warfare, you play as the Nacom, a powerful Mayan warrior who must defend his people from the invading Conquistadors. You will wield a variety of weapons, including the Macuahutil, Spear, Greatsword, and Knife, to take down your enemies. You can also use magic to heal yourself and buff your attacks.

The game is set in the Mayan world, and the environments are lush and colorful. The enemies are varied, and they will test your skills as a warrior. The combat is fast-paced and satisfying, and the magic system adds a layer of strategy to the game.

Here are some pros and cons of Buluk Mayan Warfare:


  • Fast-paced and satisfying combat
  • Varied enemies
  • Lush and colorful environments
  • Magic system adds a layer of strategy
  • Early Access game with regular updates


  • Can be repetitive at times
  • Some technical issues
  • Not as polished as some AAA titles

Overall, Buluk Mayan Warfare is a solid hack-and-slash action game that is a lot of fun to play. The combat is fast-paced and satisfying, the enemies are varied, and the environments are lush and colorful. The magic system adds a layer of strategy to the game, and the game is regularly updated with new content. However, the game can be repetitive at times, and there are a few technical issues. If you are looking for a fun and challenging hack-and-slash action game, then Buluk Mayan Warfare is definitely worth checking out.

In a nutshell:

  • The combat in Buluk Mayan Warfare is fast-paced and satisfying. You will need to use your skills and reflexes to take down your enemies. The weapons are varied, and the magic system adds a layer of strategy to the game.
  • The enemies in Buluk Mayan Warfare are varied. You will face off against Mayan warriors, Conquistadors, and even jaguars. The enemies are challenging, and they will test your skills as a warrior.
  • The environments in Buluk Mayan Warfare are lush and colorful. The game is set in the Mayan world, and the environments are a feast for the eyes.
  • The magic system in Buluk Mayan Warfare adds a layer of strategy to the game. You can use magic to heal yourself, buff your attacks, and even summon creatures to fight for you.
  • Buluk Mayan Warfare is an Early Access game, so there are still some technical issues. However, the developers are actively working to improve the game, and they release new updates on a regular basis.

I would recommend Buluk Mayan Warfare to fans of hack-and-slash action games. It is a lot of fun to play, and the developers are actively working to improve the game. However, the game can be repetitive at times, and there are a few technical issues.