Sunkenland, by Vector3 Studio, is an ambitious early access title thrusting you into a world ravaged by rising sea levels. As a survivor, you must build, scavenge, and fight your way through a flooded metropolis, all while facing the elements and hostile factions vying for control. While still in its early stages, Sunkenland offers a unique blend of survival, base building, and exploration that holds immense promise, but also comes with its fair share of rough edges.

A World Reborn from the Waves:

The setting of Sunkenland is its strongest asset. The flooded cityscape is a breathtaking blend of beauty and decay. Lush vegetation reclaims towering skyscrapers, sunlight dances on the rippling water surface, and half-submerged structures whisper tales of a lost civilization. Exploring this world is a constant thrill, whether you’re navigating treacherous underwater ruins or scaling the vertigo-inducing heights of flooded skyscrapers.

Building Your Oasis:

Base building is a core mechanic in Sunkenland, and it offers a satisfying degree of depth. You can snap together various modules to create platforms, shelters, crafting stations, and even defenses against the dangers lurking in the water below. The modularity allows for creative freedom, and the rickety, ramshackle aesthetic of the structures adds to the immersive atmosphere.

Survival of the Fittest:

The world of Sunkenland is far from peaceful. Hunger, thirst, and exposure are constant threats, and you’ll need to scavenge for resources, hunt for food, and purify water to stay alive. The combat system, while still in its early stages, offers a decent challenge, with melee and ranged weapons at your disposal. The AI of enemies can be inconsistent, but the underwater combat against mutated creatures adds a unique twist to the survival experience.

Rough Waters Ahead:

As an early access title, Sunkenland is not without its flaws. Performance issues can be frequent, with frame drops and occasional crashes. The crafting system can feel clunky at times, and the inventory management could be more streamlined. The story and lore are currently light on details, leaving much of the world’s history and motivations of the various factions shrouded in mystery.

A Promising Future:

Despite its rough edges, Sunkenland has the potential to be a truly special survival game. The unique setting, engaging exploration, and satisfying base building mechanics offer a compelling foundation. The developers are actively working on improvements, with regular updates addressing bugs and adding new content. If Vector3 Studio can continue to polish the experience and flesh out the story and world, Sunkenland could become a must-play for fans of the genre.


Recommended for: Fans of survival games, underwater exploration, and post-apocalyptic settings.

Not recommended for: Players who prefer polished and bug-free experiences, those seeking a deep and complex narrative.

Final Score: 7/10 (with the potential to reach higher with future updates)

Sunkenland is a diamond in the rough, offering a unique and immersive survival experience despite its early access status. If you’re willing to overlook some technical hiccups and embrace the potential, you might just find yourself hooked on building your own watery oasis in this post-apocalyptic world.