Helldivers 2 – Review

Helldivers 2 isn’t your average galactic romp. It’s a satirical, squad-based, twin-stick shooter that throws you headfirst into the chaos of interplanetary warfare, all in the name of expanding the “democratic” Super Earth regime. Prepare for a baptism by fire, where tactical thinking and teamwork are your only lifelines against overwhelming odds.

Embrace the Mayhem:

Ditch the cover-and-peek tactics of other shooters. Helldivers 2 demands constant movement and awareness. Dodge giant bug projectiles, outrun hulking cyborg tanks, and unleash hellfire with a diverse arsenal of weapons. But be warned, friendly fire is always on, so watch where you point that rocket launcher! The learning curve is steep, and failure is frequent, but conquering a mission with your squad feels incredibly rewarding.

Think Like a Helldiver:

Forget lone wolf heroics. Survival hinges on coordinated maneuvers and utilizing each class’s strengths. The heavy gunner lays down suppressing fire while the medic revives fallen comrades. The technician hacks enemy turrets and calls in airstrikes, while the scout provides crucial intel. Communication is key, as a well-timed “Grenade incoming!” can save your squad from friendly (or not-so-friendly) explosions.

A Galaxy of Mayhem:

The campaign throws you across diverse planets, each with unique biomes and hazards. Battle giant bugs in scorching deserts, navigate icy wastelands infested with robotic abominations, and clear alien hives teeming with hostile xenos. Each mission presents a fresh tactical puzzle, pushing you to adapt your strategies and equipment.

Democracy with a Dash of Humor:

Don’t let the serious premise fool you. Helldivers 2 is packed with satirical humor. The Super Earth government’s propaganda broadcasts are hilariously over-the-top, and the voice lines crackle with witty banter. Even your demise can be comical, as friendly fire incidents are immortalized in the “Hall of Shame.”

A Live-Evolving Battleground:

Unlike a typical campaign, Helldivers 2 unfolds like a live-service experience. New missions, challenges, and even entire planets are added regularly, keeping the content fresh and the fight for galactic “democracy” ongoing. This approach might not appeal to those who prefer a complete experience at launch, but for those seeking a constantly evolving challenge, it adds a layer of excitement.

Is Helldivers 2 for You?

If you crave a challenging, squad-based experience with a dash of humor and a constantly evolving battlefield, then strap on your jetpack and join the Helldivers. Just remember, teamwork and a healthy dose of self-deprecation are your best weapons in this unforgiving galaxy. However, if you prefer a solo experience or find high difficulty levels frustrating, you might want to explore other options.

Ultimately, Helldivers 2 is a unique and thrilling proposition. It’s not just a game; it’s a baptism by fire, a test of your tactical prowess and teamwork skills. So, are you ready to answer the call of duty (and friendly fire) for Super Earth?

Score – 9/10