Horizon Forbidden West (PC) – Review

Horizon Forbidden West’s arrival on PC has been eagerly awaited, and for good reason. The sequel to the critically acclaimed Horizon Zero Dawn promises to expand upon the captivating world and thrilling combat that stole hearts in the first game. However, reviews paint a complex picture, highlighting the game’s breathtaking visuals while acknowledging some shortcomings in the narrative and gameplay.

The most undeniable strength of Horizon Forbidden West lies in its jaw-dropping visuals. Many reviewers agree that this is a game pushing the boundaries of graphical fidelity. The world of the Forbidden West, a sprawling landscape encompassing sun-scorched deserts, vibrant jungles, and imposing ruined cities, comes alive with an incredible level of detail. Weather effects like raging sandstorms and torrential downpours further immerse players in this dynamic environment. The credit for this visual marvel goes in part to the masterful port by Nixxes Software. PC gamers are treated to a wide range of graphical options, allowing them to tailor the experience to their specific hardware. This includes support for the latest image-scaling technologies, ensuring that even those with less powerful machines can enjoy the game’s beauty to a significant degree.

While the visuals steal the show, the story and gameplay of Horizon Forbidden West present a more nuanced picture. Some reviewers found themselves engrossed in Aloy’s journey westward, captivated by the mysteries of the Forbidden Land and the dangers that lurk within. However, others felt that the narrative didn’t quite capture the magic of the first game. Criticisms ranged from a predictable plot to underdeveloped characters, leaving some players wanting more depth and emotional resonance.

The core gameplay of Horizon Forbidden West remains solid. Exploration, combat, and crafting continue to be engaging pillars of the experience. Players will find themselves traversing vast landscapes, uncovering hidden secrets, and engaging in dynamic battles against a variety of robotic creatures. The introduction of new weapon types and skills adds some variety to the mix, but some reviewers felt that the overall gameplay loop lacked the innovation seen in other open-world titles. Essentially, it refines the formula established in Horizon Zero Dawn rather than revolutionizing it.

One of the most impressive aspects of the PC port is the level of optimization achieved by Nixxes Software. The game offers extensive graphical customization while maintaining excellent performance, ensuring a smooth experience for a wider range of PC configurations. Accessibility features have also been thoughtfully implemented, making the game more welcoming to players with diverse needs. However, a few reviewers did encounter minor stuttering issues during cutscenes, which are likely due to shader compilation. These are relatively minor inconveniences, but worth noting nonetheless.

Visual Feast:

  • This is where the game truly shines. Many reviewers agree it’s one of the best-looking games ever made. The environments, from sun-drenched deserts to lush jungles, are incredibly detailed and come alive with dynamic weather effects.
  • The PC port by Nixxes Software is excellent, offering a wide range of graphical options to customize the experience for different PC setups. This includes support for the latest image scaling technologies for those with powerful machines.

Story and Gameplay:

  • Reviews here are more mixed. Some found the story engaging, following Aloy’s journey westward into a forbidden land filled with new threats. However, others felt it didn’t quite capture the magic of the first game’s narrative, with a more predictable plot and underdeveloped characters.
  • The core gameplay loop of exploration, combat, and crafting remains solid, but some reviewers felt it lacked innovation compared to other open-world titles. The new weapon types and skills are welcome additions, but don’t drastically change the formula.

PC Port Specifics:

  • Nixxes did a fantastic job with the port, offering extensive graphical customization options, excellent performance optimization, and accessibility features. This allows a wide range of PC gamers to experience the game at its best.
  • A few reviewers encountered minor stuttering issues during cutscenes, likely due to shader compilation.

In conclusion, Horizon Forbidden West on PC emerges as a visually stunning sequel with a compelling, if not groundbreaking, narrative and engaging, if somewhat familiar, gameplay. While it may not surpass the original in every aspect, it remains a worthy addition to the Horizon series and a must-play for fans of open-world adventures. For those on the fence, exploring some gameplay videos might help solidify your decision. Ultimately, Horizon Forbidden West offers a visually breathtaking world to explore, even if the story and gameplay don’t quite reach the same heights.

Score – 10/10