Stalker: Legends of the Zone Trilogy – Review

S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Legends of the Zone brings the beloved trilogy of Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl, Clear Sky, and Call of Pripyat to consoles for the first time. This collection offers a chance for newcomers to experience these atmospheric and challenging first-person shooters, while veterans can revisit the Zone with a fresh coat of paint. Here’s a deep dive into what Legends of the Zone offers:

A Desolate Yet Enthralling World

  • The Zone Awaits: The games take place in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone, a post-apocalyptic wasteland ravaged by a second catastrophe. You play as a Stalker, a scavenger and mercenary venturing into this dangerous territory filled with mutants, anomalies, and hostile factions.
  • Atmospheric Thrills: The trilogy excels at creating a haunting and oppressive atmosphere. The desolate environments, eerie soundscapes, and unpredictable dangers make exploration both tense and rewarding.
  • A Story Unfolds: While the narrative takes a backseat to atmosphere in some aspects, each game offers a story about uncovering the Zone’s secrets and navigating the complex relationships between factions.

Gameplay: Survival of the Fittest

  • Challenge Awaits: Stalker is known for its unforgiving difficulty. Resources are scarce, combat is deadly, and the environment itself can be your worst enemy. Be prepared to scavenge for supplies, carefully consider your actions, and make tactical use of weapons and equipment.
  • Embrace the A.I.M. System: The unique A.I.M. system (Artificial Intelligence Marksmanship) emphasizes weapon sway and requires careful aiming to be accurate. Mastering this system is crucial for surviving shootouts.
  • Embrace the Jank: While the visuals have received a slight upgrade, these are still games from the mid-2000s. Expect some janky animations, dated textures, and occasional technical hiccups. These can be part of the charm for some, but frustrating for others.

A Treasure Trove for Hardcore Fans

  • Console Debut: This collection brings the entire Stalker experience to consoles for the first time, offering a chance for a whole new generation of players to experience the Zone.
  • Improved Performance (Mostly): The frame rate and overall performance have been improved on consoles compared to the original PC versions. However, some bugs and glitches might still be present.
  • A Touch of Modernization: The controls have been tweaked for gamepad use, and some quality-of-life improvements have been implemented. These changes make the experience smoother without compromising the core gameplay.

A Zone Worth Exploring (With Caution)

Stalker: Legends of the Zone offers a unique and atmospheric FPS experience unlike many others. However, its unforgiving difficulty, dated elements, and occasional technical issues might not be for everyone.

Here’s a quick breakdown of the pros and cons:


  • Hauntingly atmospheric post-apocalyptic world
  • Engaging exploration and resource management
  • Challenging and strategic combat
  • Unique A.I.M. system rewards skilled aiming
  • Console debut brings the trilogy to a new audience


  • Unforgiving difficulty with a steep learning curve
  • Dated visuals and animations can be jarring
  • Occasional technical issues and bugs reported
  • Story takes a backseat to atmosphere for some

Final Verdict:

Stalker: Legends of the Zone is a fantastic collection for fans of atmospheric shooters and those seeking a challenging experience. If you’re new to the series and can embrace the jank alongside the atmosphere, you’ll find a rewarding world to explore. However, if you crave a polished modern shooter with a focus on narrative, you might want to look elsewhere.

Score – 10/10