Dragon’s Dogma 2 – Review

Dragon’s Dogma 2 bursts onto the scene as a sequel that surpasses its predecessor in almost every way. It retains the series’ core tenets of action RPG combat, exploration, and the unique Pawn system, while expanding on them and injecting a hefty dose of polish. Here’s a comprehensive review of this monster-slaying masterpiece:

A Grand Adventure Awaits

  • Choice is Yours: Dragon’s Dogma 2 throws you into a world teetering on the brink of chaos. You can choose from three unique classes – Fighter, Mage, or Strider – each with distinct playstyles and skill trees to master. The narrative unfolds based on your choices, offering some replayability.
  • A World Reborn: The world of Gransys is reborn, offering a sprawling open environment filled with diverse regions to explore. From sun-drenched beaches to treacherous volcanic peaks, each area boasts its own dangers and secrets to uncover.
  • Pawns: More Than Sidekicks: The Pawn system, where AI companions accompany you on your journey, remains a core feature. You can customize your own Pawn, and hire Pawns created by other players, adding a unique layer of strategy and community to your adventure.

Combat Evolved

  • Visceral and Strategic: The combat remains a highlight, offering a satisfying blend of strategic depth and flashy action. You can climb onto larger enemies, grapple and manipulate them in mid-air combat, and unleash devastating skills. Mastering these mechanics provides unparalleled thrills.
  • Customization Galore: A vast array of skills and augments allows you to tailor your character and Pawn to your preferred playstyle. Experiment with different weapon types, magic schools, and combat tactics to find the perfect combination.
  • The Open Comes at a Cost: The open world, while vast and beautiful, can feel a bit empty in some areas. Enemy variety could be improved, and repetitive side quests might bog down the pacing for some players.

Technical Triumph

  • A Visual Feast: Dragon’s Dogma 2 boasts a significant graphical leap over its predecessor. The world is brimming with detail, character models are impressive, and the lighting effects are stunning.
  • Orchestral Magic: The soundtrack is another highlight, featuring a sweeping orchestral score that perfectly complements the game’s epic atmosphere.
  • Learning from the Past: The developers have addressed some of the criticisms of the first game. Fast travel is now readily available, and the user interface has been streamlined for better accessibility.

A Genre-Bending Gem

Dragon’s Dogma 2 is a phenomenal achievement in the action RPG genre. It offers a captivating world to explore, a refined combat system with unmatched depth, and the unique Pawn system that fosters a sense of community. While repetitive quests and a slightly empty open world might hold it back slightly, the overall experience is undeniably rewarding.

Here’s a quick breakdown of the pros and cons:


  • Excellent action RPG combat with strategic depth
  • Vast and beautiful open world to explore
  • Unique Pawn system adds a layer of strategy and community
  • Deep character and Pawn customization options
  • Stunning visuals and a powerful orchestral soundtrack


  • Repetitive side quests can bog down the pacing
  • Open world can feel slightly empty in some areas
  • Enemy variety could be improved

Final Verdict:

Dragon’s Dogma 2 is a must-play for fans of action RPGs and those seeking a deep and challenging adventure. If you can tolerate some occasional repetition and embrace the Pawn system’s quirks, you’ll find an unforgettable experience waiting to be grasped.

Score – 10/10