Chasing the Unseen is an indie gem that carves its own niche in the gaming landscape. It blends exploration, platforming, and a touch of mystery into a hauntingly beautiful experience. Here’s a deep dive into this atmospheric adventure:

A World of Dreams and Nightmares:

  • Abstract Beauty: The game throws you into alien and awe-inspiring environments. Fractal-based landscapes, impossible architecture, and a muted color palette create a dreamlike atmosphere that’s both beautiful and unsettling.
  • Giants to Climb: Your main objective is to explore these surreal landscapes by climbing colossal creatures. The game doesn’t hold your hand, leaving you to discover the best path forward through exploration and experimentation.
  • A Touch of Mystery: The narrative is shrouded in mystery. There’s a sense of melancholy and a boy searching for something unseen, but the story is left open to interpretation, fueling your imagination.

Gameplay: A Climber’s Challenge

  • Platforming with a Twist: Climbing the massive creatures is the core gameplay mechanic. You use your agility and the environment to navigate their bodies, dodging hazards and leaping across precarious gaps. While not overly complex, it can be challenging and requires good timing.
  • Parachute Proficiency: A deployable parachute adds another layer to the movement mechanics. You can use it to slow your fall, reach new areas, and add a touch of strategic air control.
  • Tranquil Exploration: Despite some challenging jumps, the overall pace is slow and deliberate. The focus is on soaking in the atmosphere and enjoying the sense of discovery rather than fast-paced action.

Aesthetics and Ambiance:

  • A feast for the Eyes: The visuals, while not graphically groundbreaking, are a unique blend of beauty and desolation. The use of negative space and the muted color palette create a hauntingly memorable world.
  • Music that Moves You: The soundtrack is a perfect complement to the visuals. Ethereal and melancholic melodies enhance the dreamlike atmosphere and draw you deeper into the world.
  • A World Alive with Sound: The ambient sounds further enhance the immersion. The wind whistling through the alien landscapes and the distant cries of unseen creatures add a layer of mystery and unease.

A Niche Experience:

  • Love it or Leave it: Chasing the Unseen is a very specific type of game. If you enjoy slow-paced exploration, atmospheric environments, and a touch of challenge, you’ll find a unique experience here. However, those craving a more traditional narrative or fast-paced action might find it too slow and uneventful.
  • Technical Quirks: The game might have some minor technical issues like occasional frame rate drops or control hiccups reported by some players.

Overall: A Hauntingly Beautiful Journey

Chasing the Unseen is a unique and atmospheric adventure that will stay with you long after the credits roll. It’s a game best experienced with an open mind and a willingness to embrace its dreamlike qualities.

Here’s a quick breakdown of the pros and cons:


  • Breathtaking and dreamlike world design
  • Unique climbing mechanics with a focus on exploration
  • Haunting and atmospheric soundtrack
  • Open-ended narrative fuels imagination
  • Relaxing and deliberate gameplay pace


  • Slow-paced exploration might not appeal to everyone
  • Story elements are vague and open to interpretation
  • Minor technical issues reported

Final Verdict:

Chasing the Unseen is a must-play for those seeking a unique and atmospheric adventure game. If you’re looking for a clear narrative, fast-paced action, or a polished AAA experience, you might want to look elsewhere. However, if you’re willing to take a chance on a more artistic and dreamlike journey, Chasing the Unseen offers a truly unforgettable experience.