Botany Manor invites you to unwind and become a botanist in a charming 1890s English manor. This first-person puzzle game focuses on exploration, deduction, and cultivating a collection of fantastical plants within your personal herbarium.

A Breath of Fresh Air

  • Tranquil Setting: Step away from the hustle and bustle and into the serene world of Botany Manor. Explore the beautifully rendered manor and its sprawling gardens, filled with vibrant flora and calming ambient sounds.
  • Unhurried Exploration: There are no deadlines or timers in Botany Manor. Take your time at your own pace, wandering the manor, uncovering its secrets, and meticulously tending to your growing collection.
  • A Touch of Mystery: While the core gameplay revolves around plants, the manor holds a few secrets waiting to be discovered. Find clues scattered throughout to unravel the history of the house and its inhabitants.

The Thrill of the Grow

  • Plant Puzzles: The core gameplay challenges you to figure out the specific conditions needed to cultivate various fantastical plants. This involves deciphering clues found in books, notes, and environmental details.
  • Trial and Error with a Payoff: Solving these puzzles often involves experimentation in the greenhouse. While there might be some guesswork involved, the satisfaction of witnessing a new plant bloom is a delightful reward.
  • A Collection to Admire: As you progress, your herbarium fills with unique and beautiful flora. Witnessing the collection grow provides a sense of accomplishment and allows you to admire the fruits (or rather, flowers) of your labor.

A Relaxing Escape, Not a Deep Challenge

  • Calm Over Complexity: Botany Manor prioritizes a relaxing atmosphere over super challenging puzzles. The puzzles are generally not difficult, making it a great choice for those seeking a stress-free experience.
  • Limited Scope: The core gameplay loop revolves around exploration, puzzle-solving, and plant cultivation. There are no additional combat mechanics or complex crafting systems.
  • Can Feel Repetitive: While the environments are beautiful, some might find the core gameplay loop of exploring, collecting clues, and growing plants a bit repetitive after a while.

A Perfect Place to Unwind

Botany Manor offers a charming and relaxing escape from the usual action-packed games. If you’re looking for a beautiful world to explore, calming puzzles to solve, and the satisfaction of cultivating a collection of fantastical plants, then Botany Manor is a perfect choice. However, those seeking a deep and complex challenge or a highly varied gameplay experience might find it lacking.

Here’s a quick breakdown of the pros and cons:


  • Beautiful and tranquil atmosphere with calming environments and sounds
  • Relaxing and accessible gameplay loop focused on exploration and plant cultivation
  • Unique plant puzzles with a rewarding sense of discovery
  • Fills a niche for gamers seeking a stress-free and peaceful experience


  • Puzzles are generally not very challenging
  • Core gameplay loop can feel repetitive after a while
  • Lacks complex crafting systems or additional mechanics

Final Verdict:

Botany Manor is a delightful game for those seeking a relaxing and visually-appealing experience. It offers a charming world to explore, a focus on tranquility over challenge, and the satisfaction of cultivating a collection of unique plants. However, if you crave intense puzzles or a more varied gameplay experience, you might want to consider a different title.