Broken Roads takes you on a post-apocalyptic journey through the irradiated Outback of Australia. It blends philosophical themes, moral choices, and squad-based combat into a unique RPG experience. Here’s a breakdown of its strengths and weaknesses:

Story and Setting:

  • Aussie Apocalypse: Broken Roads throws you into a beautifully desolate Australia, ravaged by environmental collapse and societal breakdown. The world-building is rich with unique factions and quirky characters, drawing inspiration from Australian culture.
  • Morality on the Menu: The game emphasizes player choice and its impact on the world. A “Moral Compass” system tracks your decisions, influencing dialogue options, character development, and even potential endings. This adds weight to your actions and creates a sense of consequence.
  • Dialogue with Depth: Conversations are a highlight, filled with sharp writing and a touch of Aussie humor. You can delve into philosophical discussions or navigate tense negotiations, making each interaction engaging.


  • Turn-Based Combat: Broken Roads utilizes turn-based combat with a focus on squad tactics. You control a group of characters, utilizing their strengths and weaknesses to overcome enemies in strategic encounters.
  • Crafting and Survival: The game incorporates survival mechanics where you need to manage resources, scavenge for supplies, and craft equipment. This adds another layer of challenge and makes the world feel more grounded.
  • A World to Explore: While not fully open-world, Broken Roads offers a variety of settlements and locations to explore, each with its own stories and secrets to uncover.

Double-Edged Swords:

  • Ambition vs. Execution: Broken Roads attempts a lot but can be uneven in its execution. The core ideas are strong, but some aspects like the combat or user interface feel a bit clunky.
  • Choices Matter (Maybe): While the Moral Compass is a great concept, the impact of your choices can sometimes feel subtle. You might crave a more dramatic shift in the world based on your decisions.
  • Bugs and Balance: The game has been reported to have some bugs and balancing issues. This can be frustrating at times, especially in combat encounters.

Overall: A Promising RPG with Potential

Broken Roads is a promising RPG with a unique identity and a focus on player agency. It’s a game filled with charm, interesting ideas, and a world begging to be explored. However, its technical shortcomings and uneven execution might hold it back for some players.

Here’s a quick breakdown of the pros and cons:


  • Intriguing post-apocalyptic setting inspired by Australia
  • Focus on player choice and moral consequences
  • Engaging dialogue with sharp writing
  • Turn-based combat with strategic depth
  • Resource management and crafting add another layer of challenge


  • Uneven execution; some aspects feel clunky
  • Moral Compass impact can be subtle at times
  • Bugs and balance issues reported
  • Not a fully open world

Final Verdict:

Broken Roads is best suited for players who enjoy choice-driven RPGs with a unique setting and emphasis on philosophical themes. If you can tolerate some technical hiccups and are willing to overlook a less polished experience, you might find a gem hidden beneath the rough exterior. However, if you crave a bug-free, perfectly balanced RPG, you might want to wait for further updates.

Score – 8/10