No Rest for the Wicked – Review

No Rest for the Wicked isn’t your typical action RPG. It forgoes the flashy loot explosions of a Diablo and instead embraces the punishing challenge and deliberate combat of the Soulslike genre. Here’s a comprehensive dive into what this ambitious title offers:

A Dark and Enigmatic Island:

The game takes you to Haxia, a mysterious island shrouded in perpetual twilight. This unforgiving environment is your constant companion, its secrets slowly unraveling as you explore its treacherous landscapes. Crumbling ruins hint at a forgotten civilization, while twisted flora and malevolent creatures create a constant sense of danger.

Soulslike Combat: A Dance with Death

Combat in No Rest for the Wicked is slow, methodical, and heavily influenced by Soulsborne games. Precise timing, resource management, and a deep understanding of your character’s abilities are paramount for survival. Attacks have weight, enemy telegraphs are subtle, and mistakes are punished swiftly. Victory hinges on patience, learning enemy patterns, and mastering the art of dodging and parrying.

More Than Just Mashing Buttons:

While combat is demanding, it’s not about mindless button mashing. The game offers a variety of weapon types, each with its own unique moveset and playstyle. You can choose between a nimble dagger for quick strikes, a versatile sword and shield combo, or a heavy axe for devastating blows. Experimentation and finding a weapon that suits your playstyle is key to overcoming the game’s brutal challenges.

Survival Mechanics Add Depth:

No Rest for the Wicked adds a layer of survival mechanics to the Soulslike formula. Hunger and thirst are constant threats, forcing you to manage your resources and scavenge for food and water. The world itself is a hostile entity, with environmental hazards and weather patterns adding another layer of complexity to exploration.

A Work in Progress with Potential:

No Rest for the Wicked is an early access title, and that comes with some caveats. Content is currently limited, and the story is still being fleshed out. Performance issues and bugs might be present, as is to be expected with early access games. However, the developers are actively engaged with the community and constantly updating the game based on player feedback.

A Glimpse of Something Special:

Despite its early access status, No Rest for the Wicked shows immense promise. The core gameplay loop – exploration, challenging combat, and a touch of survival – is incredibly satisfying for players who crave a test of their skills. The world is intriguing, begging to be explored and its secrets unraveled. For fans of Soulslike games or those seeking a punishing yet rewarding action RPG experience, No Rest for the Wicked is definitely worth keeping an eye on, especially as it continues to develop.

Is It Right for You?

Here’s a quick breakdown to help you decide if No Rest for the Wicked is for you:

  • Pros: Soulslike combat, exploration with a touch of survival, intriguing world with lore to uncover
  • Cons: Early access title with limited content and potential bugs, challenging and unforgiving gameplay

If you’re looking for a casual experience or get discouraged by difficulty, No Rest for the Wicked might not be your cup of tea. But for those who crave a deep challenge and the satisfaction of overcoming brutal encounters, this Soulslike with a survival twist offers a rewarding adventure waiting to be experienced. Just be prepared to die – a lot – and learn from your mistakes.